
chenille glove

You’re in the right place for chenille glove.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on HUADI.we guarantee that it’s here on HUADI.
Safety check for HUADI is carried out by the QC team during the production. It will be checked for its electrical safety includes input voltage, amperage, anti-surge-current capability, etc. .
We aim to provide the highest quality chenille glove.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • HUADI - New Style Double Sided Chenille Cleaning Mitt Car Polishing Mitt Cleaning Cloths
    HUADI - New Style Double Sided Chenille Cleaning Mitt Car Polishing Mitt Cleaning Cloths
    Car Wash Mitt – Scratch-Free Chenille Microfiber Washing Mitts, Dual Sided.1, Both sides workable lint free, non-scratch. 2, Both wet and dry used.  3, PERFECT for washing, drying and dusting vehicles, boats,motorcycles etc.
  • Microfibre Wash Mitt Car Washing Detailing Chenille Glove
    Microfibre Wash Mitt Car Washing Detailing Chenille Glove
    -Ultra Soft Microfibre Fabric.super soft, cushioning every wipe – preventing scratches and swirls while cleaning dirt and debris away from the surface.-Super Absorbent.The thick plush fibres hold loads of water and suds! Reducing the amount trips required to the bucket, for a quicker and thorough washing experience.-Swirl Free And Scratch Resistant Washing. Pair the mitt with any of our shampoos to gently remove stuck on dirt, grease, and grime, reviving your vehicles shine.-Ambidextrous Ergonomic Design Fits Either Hand.The ambidextrous ergonomic design allows you to clean your vehicle with either hand. Your hand is locked in place by the durable elastic cuff, which adds to the comfort and grip.
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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