
Automatic Squeeze Mop HD1924

You’re in the right place for Automatic Squeeze Mop HD1924.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on HUADI.we guarantee that it’s here on HUADI.
The product provides desirable protection and makes the item easy to use and store. It reminds users when and where to repurchase, reinforcing consumers' expectations. .
We aim to provide the highest quality Automatic Squeeze Mop HD1924.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Huadi New Cleaning Mop 360° Rotatable Triangular Mop Foldable Automatic Squeeze Mop HD1924
    Huadi New Cleaning Mop 360° Rotatable Triangular Mop Foldable Automatic Squeeze Mop HD1924
    -With 360° rotatable head can easily clean any corner, including dead ends and deep gaps. The adjustable mop brings more convenience for your cleaning work, and improve your cleaning efficiency.-Has push and pull automatic water squeezing function. With a gentle push and pull, it will squeeze  water out of the mop head, drying quickly, saving time and labor.- Can be used as a daily floor and wall cleaning tool, also suitable for cleaning bathtubs, toilet surfaces and backs, mirrors, glass, tile walls, cabinet bottoms, wash cars, wipe windows and more.-Soft,non-scratching Microfiber pad is also machine washable and you can get the refill. -With a rubber blade for effective cleaning. 
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