
Chenille window cleaner

You’re in the right place for Chenille window cleaner.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on HUADI.we guarantee that it’s here on HUADI.
The product is highly resistant to disinfectants. Its plastics and polymers materials allow for effective sterilization without compromising device performance. .
We aim to provide the highest quality Chenille window cleaner.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Telescopic window cleaner and rubber squeegee 2 in 1 Double Side Window Cleaner
    Telescopic window cleaner and rubber squeegee 2 in 1 Double Side Window Cleaner
    -2 in 1 Window wiper and glass squeegee. Rubber blade for effective cleaning; Chenille microfibre for easy water removal. -Wtih super long extendable pole 68-120cm help the equipment reach high places. -Absorbent and machine washable chenille pad. -Replacement pad is available. -Used for windows, mirrows, cars and much more. 
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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