
hands free mop

You’re in the right place for hands free mop.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on HUADI.we guarantee that it’s here on HUADI.
It is important to equip the projector with this product. Even the best projector will not be able to produce good images with correctly reproduced colors without a correctly selected screen. .
We aim to provide the highest quality hands free mop.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Huadi New  360° Flat Squeeze Microfiber Mop Bucket Set HD3566
    Huadi New 360° Flat Squeeze Microfiber Mop Bucket Set HD3566
    -Designed with a dual body bucket which provides both wash and dry function. One side for moistening and the other side for removing dust and squeezing to dry the cleaning mop..-Dual use wet or dry mop ensures hard to reach places with automatic rebound and swivel Mop plate which never misses any corner and covers large area than traditional Mop.-Made of microfiber material which is soft and flexible, won't scratch the floor or walls. And the cleaning mop pad features super strong water absorption and excellent cleaning performance which can clean the dirt and dust effectively.-The cleaning mop is suitable for cleaning tile marble, polished concrete, stone, laminate, hardwood floors, etc. 
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